· By Hugo Hodgson
Long Shot's been nominated - GBEA 2020!
Safe to say we probably weren’t expecting that…
Taking a Long Shot
We’ve only managed to get nominated as a finalist for the 2020 Great British Entrepreneur Awards, from over 2500 new food drink brands. The winners will be announced 23rd Sept, so safe to say – if you don’t hear an update from us then, you’ll probably have figured out what happened!
When we started the Long Shot adventure, we’d had enough of the whole ‘corporate thing’ and wanted to show people that if you’re not happy with something – it’s up to you to go out and change it. We’d never made a hard seltzer before – but we’d definitely drunk a bunch and loved what we were seeing.
Turns out hard seltzers are hard to get right
What we did know was that we didn’t want to just make another alcoholic seltzer with all the happy benefits (low-calorie, vegan etc.). We wanted to go further, and only use real ingredients that we could read and understand, so that’s why you’ll only ever find all-natural fruit juices in our seltzers – nothing artificial. And that’s a promise.
We’ve also learnt how important it is to surround yourself with positive people, try to learn something new each day, and listen to any and everything that comes your way.
We always like making things difficult for ourselves here at Long Shot HQ, so we thought it’d also be a nice idea to launch slap-bang in the middle of Lockdown… So yeh, that was a good call. Thanks Covid-19!
Mistakes are good, and we’ve made a whole lot already, and will carry on for some time. But as long as we’re learning from them, that’s fine with us.
There we go – Oscar speech over.
<Mic Drop>