· By Hugo Hodgson
Great Taste Award for Raspberry & Blackcurrant Hard Seltzer!
It's official - Long Shot tastes great
More great news here coming out of Long Shot HQ. Our Raspberry & Blackcurrent Hard Seltzer has only gone and won a bloomin Great Taste Award! Formed from a panel of over 500 experts, The Great Taste Awards is one of the most trusted food and drink awards in the industry – so to get this one felt really special.
Recognised throughout the industry, those little black stickers are notoriously hard to come by, especially in a category not many people know of – hard seltzers (a fancy way of saying alcoholic sparkling water basically)!
Here’s what they had to say about it:
“Bright red and effervescent with a sweet berry-led nose, this is light and dry on the palate. Its lightness belies its abv and it would be very easy to drink without realising one's level of alcohol consumption”
Hard seltzer - smooth taste
We definitely agree on the whole not-tasting-the-alcohol point, and that’s really what we’re all about – championing the fruit juices and making them the only thing you’re tasting. We’re the only hard seltzer brand using exclusively real fruit juices for our flavours, without using any flavourings or additives, which help give an authentic flavour. And did we mention its beautiful colour when you pour it out as well!?
Seeing that fabled black sticker sitting pretty on our all-natural drink fells pretty great. Probably won’t feel so great when we’ve got to go and stick it onto each of our cans individually though, but hey-ho! It also shows that other people out there are enjoying them as much as we are – which is always a good sign.
Lots of you have also said that our Raspberry & Blackcurrant helps bring back those Ribena-vibes from your childhood, minus all the sugar, plus all the booze. And you’re not wrong.
Our hard seltzers are ‘fruit-infused’, which means they are predominantly mineral water based, and are then mixed with grain alcohol and juice before being carbonated to make a light, easy-drinking seltzer that’s basically the opposite of those sugar-packed alcopops we all used to drink *shudder*
Read more about how our drinks are made.
Real fruit. Real flavour
These two fruits don’t tend to get a whole lot of the limelight, but it’s fair to say they’ve come together to create something pretty simple and delicious here. Naturally sweet raspberry balances well with a Blackcurrant-sundae style hit to create this Summer fruit sensation. And all grown in rural Herefordshire and within 20 miles of our manufacturer.
Fun fact about the humble blackcurrant - they also pack a serious Vitamin C punch, as well as being a rich source of iron, calcium, manganese and potassium. We’ll drink to that!
Tickled your tastebuds yet? Pick yourself up a case today to see what all the fuss is about.